Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 19: A Talent Of Mine

Ok I be completely honest I really dont think Im all that good at anything. I mean I can do things but they arent the greatest. I love to act and I was in a drama class and drama club every year in high school. I went to drama competitions every year and always did ok. My senior year I was even picked to go to the medal round but I was so nervous I chocked. All 4years I qualified for state but only went my senior year. Ive been in almost every play my school as put up since I was a freshman. I missed a few when I was a freshman because well I was a freshman and I understand that upper class men come first. My senior year I was the drama president and I got the outstanding drama student award. I guess acting can be one of my talents but I dont think Im all that good at it.
I also love to sing. I was in a choir class in all four years of high school, sometimes to classes. There was only a short time my senior year I wasnt in a choir class cause I let other people get to me. I was my girls choir president until I quit that choir cause a bunch of girls in one class was just to much drama to me. I was never in the elite choir but to be honest I dont know if I wasnt in it cause I was wasnt good enough or if the teacher hated me because I really dont think she liked me very well but thats ok cause I didnt like her either. Singing couldnt be a talent but I really dont think Im good at it even though people say I am but people can lie.
Other then those two things Im not good at anything. I cant sew, Im not the great of a cook, Im not very creative. Hey people that know me what do you think my talent is??

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