Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 6: Whatever Tickles My Fancy!

I thought I would update you on whats new in our lives. Not a lot is really new but a few things are.
Lets start with Daniel. He still hasnt got a job. He has a court thing on Thursday to fight for his unemployment. So please pray that they favor his way. We really need some money. Also please pray that he finds a job soon. We would really appreciate it.
Caitlynn is now 8 months old. Like I always say shes getting to big to fast. Most days she drives me and Daniel crazy cause she wont sit still, she is always so loud. She hasnt crawled yet thank goodness but she is getting there. I mean dont get me wrong I love her more then anything and Im very thankful for her. Shes just a handful, and yes I know shes going to get worse. She still has no teeth, not sure why but she will get them one day. She now says Dada and Mama and a bunch of gibberish lol. She is so smart. I cant wait for whats to come even though it scares the crap out of me.
ME!!! Lets see whats new with me?? (Be warn it might be to much information for some people) Well I had to go to the doctor cause I was in tons of pain for awhile and I was losing lots of blood and it was scaring me. Yes we dont have insurance so that bills going to be lovely when it comes but I needed to go in. Well I went and saw my midwife and what was wrong with me? My body was cramping out my IUD. It was almost completely out. So it was good I went to the doctors cause I know this sounds bad but I dont want an oops right now lol. I dont know why my body hates everything! I am now on regular birth control and thankfully my mid wife gave me lots of free samples. Lets just hope they dont mess me up. The last birth control I took a few years ago messed up my hormones so bad we thought I had PCOS. Thank goodness that wasnt the case cause most likely Caitlynn wouldnt be here right now.
Life right now is hard but thats ok cause at least we have each other.

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