Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Update Time lol

I havent done alot since I last wrote a blog cause of the stupid pain I have been having but Im getting more use to it and start to just deal with it and not be just a pansy lol.
Yesterday me and Daniel went to the rodeo it was lots of fun. We even got stadium seats to put on the bleachers so I had back support that was really nice. I love the rodeo. I try to go ever year when it comes. The animals were crazy even the sheep for mutton busten (little kids riding sheep) were crazy. Caitlynn didnt like it at first cause we were right by speakers so it was super loud but she calmed down lol. After wards they had fireworks. I was excited cause this is the first time I saw them this year since we didnt see them on the 4th. I just love spending time with Daniel its always alot of fun.
Today I went to the doctor. This time it was a normal visit. Lets see Ive gained 3 pounds since last time I got weight which was a week ago! But my doctor said you havent gained an ounce cause were back to were I started at before I lost alot of weight lol. They also poked my finger to check iron and sugar levels. Which sucked! For one I hate getting my finger poked and for another I had to drink a 20 oz soda and eat a candy bar in ten to fifteen mins before I went to the doctors. I know that doesnt sound horrible cause dont get me wrong I love soda and candy but Im not a faster eater and so it was hard for me lol. My sugar levels are good. Which Im happy about but my iron was low but I havent been taking my vitamins like I should so thats the reason there. Nothing serious I just need to take them lol. Well Caitlynn is doing great! Machell says everything looks good. That my pain is caused by my ligaments stretching and Caitlynns head is in my gallbladder lol. Machell did like a 3d thing and looked at Caitlynns face and right afterwards said I think she has your nose lol. The funniest part was she always measures the belly the head and the leg bone well the head and the belly said 25 weeks (im 27) but the leg said 28 weeks lol. So she has really long legs lol. But that would make sense I mean even though Im short im all legs lol. Once again Caitlynn was a little behind like always but Machell said today she thinks that is cause she has a little head, which is a good thing cause that makes labor a little more easier lol.
Well thats all thats been going on. Im sorry if I bore you but hey someone wants to know whats going on right? lol

Thursday, July 16, 2009

100 Facts About Me!

Livi did this so I figured I wanted to do it too lol.
1. I dont think there is a person on this planet thats as amazing and wonderful as Daniel.
2. My family is my everything.
3. I love my cats like they are my children. They arent pets to me they are family.
4.I have a very low self esteem.
5. I like to complain alot. I complain every day about something or someone.
6. Religion is very important to me even though I dont always show it like I should.
7. I have a hoodie obsession. I have like 20 hoodies and I still want more
8. I have jealousy issues.
9. I love to get my way.
10. Im very stubborn.
11. I love going to the temple even though I dont go enough as I should.
12. There isnt a person I know that I havent complained about.
13. For some reason people enjoy talking to me when they having a hard time. I dont mind this. I love helping people. I just dont see how I help at all.
14. I usually fight with my mom once a week.
15. I dont really trust men. There are a few that I do trust but not many.
16. I always think people are talking about me behind my back.
17. I dont handle pain very good.
18. Im not very good at spelling.
19. I always hate my hair, no matter what the style is.
20.I dont get things done until the very last moment.
21. I think I'm a very lazy person, but I dont do anything to change this.
22. The future scares me.
23. I have obsession issues, especially with Daniel.
24. Im super clingy and I hate spending time away from Daniel.
25. I repeat myself alot.
26. I like board games more then video games.
27. I throw random fits for no reason.
28. Im a very nosey person I love to know whats going on in other peoples lives.
29.I dont understand somethings that Daniel says. So when he starts talking about smarty pants things I usually dont listen.
30. Im horrible at math.
31. I LOVE penguins!
32. I have an obsession with the color pink.
33. Im the summer time me and Daniel get snow cones at least 2 times a week.
34. I love every form of potatoes
35. I get grossed out very easily.
36. I usually always order chicken when I got out to eat.
37. Im not very adventurous.
38. I bruise very easily.
39. There are only like 3 or 4 guys I can stand being alone with.
40. Im smarter then what people really think.
41. I hate scary and action movies.
42. Im obsessed with musicals. There are only a very few that I do not like.
43. If your in my car on a Saturday night you listen to Show tunes Saturday nights, if you like it or not.
44. I never listen to a song all the way through.
45. I check Myspace and Facebook a million times a day on my phone.
46. If something has music notes on it I always want it, even if its a pair of socks.
47. I love earrings even though I never wear them.
48. I have anger issues and get angry really easy for no reason.
49. When Im really angry I start punching and throwing things.
50. I love all types of music.
51. Some how when I write alot I get pen all over my hands. (Same goes for markers or paint)
52. Its a rare moment when you see my bedroom completely clean.
53. I wish I sang more then I do.
54. I usually make fun of people.
55. I love my religion and I believe in it with all my heart but most Sundays I dont want to go to church.
56. I love to read but I usually dont.
57. I love to help people out but I hate it when someone trys to help me.
58. I have a horrible gag reflex.
59. I tell Daniel everything even when Im told not to tell him.
60. I would never want to be famous but I would love to be on Broadway.
61. I can sit around for hours doing nothing.
62. I usually dont get out of bed till noon.
63. I make alot of excuses for everything.
64. Most of the time I hate loud noisy places.
65. Im terrified of most bugs.
66. I eat ranch on almost everything.
67. Im super scared of clowns except rodeo clowns do not scare me.
68. Im super girly but at the same time Im a tom boy.
69. This number always makes me laugh.
70. Im usually very dirty minded.
71. I hate making decisions
72. No matter what the weather is like I complain about it
73. I dont make alot of sense. Im hard to figure out.
74. If I could start a cat refuge and get all the cats out of shelters I would.
75. Dogs scare me.
76. I make up alot of my own words.
77. Ive changed alot in the last few years.
78. I wish I had lots of money so I could help my family.
79. I love getting mail.
80. I really dont like being the center of attention.
81. I have lots I need to learn.
82. I love spending money even though I know we usually dont have any.
83. I can eat out everyday.
84. I love being alone with Daniel.
85. I have a journal that I write in only like once a month.
86. I have a swearing problem, which Im trying to fix.
87. I dont understand why people like to smoke cigarettes.
88. I try not to be judgemental, even though usually I am.
89. If I have a problem with you believe me you will know.
90. Im horrible at hiding my feelings.
91. I hate when people complain that their lives are so horrible. Even though I do it alot. But Im trying not too.
92. I usually dont like myself.
93. I hate when people say they were "born" that way. We are all born the same its the choices you make that make you you.
94. I hate the colors yellow and brown.
95. Im always under a blanket even if its super hot outside.
96. Natural disasters scare the crap out of me.
97. I love rain but I hate thunder and lighting.
98. I hate to drive.
99. Im not sure how Daniel puts up with me but Im glad he does.
100. This didnt take as long as I though it would :D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So I had to go back up to the hospital again yesterday! The night before my doctor called in a prescription to stop contraction. Yeah I took it and it didn't help I still felt pain so I called the next day and she said well I don't think it has anything to do with pregnancy go up to the er and have them check your appendix and stuff. So that's what I did. Well when I got there the er took me up to birth and delivery the nurses told me up there its cause they are scared of pregnant women in the er lol anyways. It took them forever to do all the lab work and take me to get my kidneys and stuff ultrasounded. I was there for 1 till 9 and guess what they found out? Its normal! Yeah they said the pain I'm having is just normal pregnancy pain. They seriously had to keep me there that long just to tell me that! Yeah I wasn't happy. But at least now we know that's its nothing to worry about and its just something I have to suffer with. Only 97 more days or around there and this will all be over with thank goodness! (sorry I'm complaining a lot I just really don't do good with pain lol)

Monday, July 13, 2009


So the last few days have been pretty intersting! Saturday was scottys wedding and it was so beautiful and so nice! The only bad part is that it was outside and super hot!we were there from 1130 till 4 cause daniel was the camera guy (which he was super excited for by the way). It was so nice to see Scott get married! I even cried lol but by 4 I was ready to go home. When we got home we found out both of us was sunburned but almost everyone that was there got sunburned lol. Well I started not feeling good that night cause of all the heat. By Sunday I really didn't feel good. And I was having sharp cramping pains in my lower stomach and back. These were happening like every hour or so but were getting closer together. We thought it could be dehydration so I drank tons of gatorade and that didn't help so of course we went up to the hospital. I was there a good 4 hours or so. And they weren't really sure what was wrong cause no contractions were showing up on the machine and they checked my cervix and it was closed. And Caitlynn was doing great. It was funny though cause they put monitors on me for the her heartbeat and to see if there was contractions well she didn't like that so she kept kicking them so on the machine you kept hearing thud thud we thought that was pretty funny. But they have me some pain medicine and some medicine to stop contractions (which is one of the worst medicines ever) in case that's what it was and it seemed to help so they sent me on my way. But told me to see my doctor in the morning cause Machell couldn't come in cause she was out of town. So I went to see Machell today and she measured and felt things I don't think should be felt cause it hurts! But she said everything seemed fine to be careful and stay out of the sun. She gave me other restrictions too but I won't explain that one (hint hint) She told me she thinks this happened cause I probably had a heat stroke or that maybe Caitlynn was laying sideways and got stuck which can cause contractions or both. I have to go see her next week which was my normal scheduled appointment and hopefully we won't have any more of these scares.