Friday, January 2, 2009


Yay the new year is finally here. I sure hope this year is better the 2008 cause to tell you the truth it sucked. The only good thing about 2008 was graduating and that wasnt all that exciting to me lol.
Anyways New Years Eve we went to Stines party at her house she turned 11 this year. Then we came home and ate food and played the air hockey tournament. I almost won in the Losers Bracket (people that already lost) but Ali beat me lol. And thats about it.
We started our family biggest loser competition. Which includes me, Daniel, Livi, Muk (hes gaining muscle weight), Jenn, Toni, Jason, Daryl and Ali. It started on Jan 1st and its going to go till April 1st. Im not sure if im going to stay in it. I mean I'm still going to workout and stuff cause I really need to get in shape but I dont know about this whole competition thing. I thought it was going to be a support thing not everyone saying "im going to win" I thought it was going to be how are you doing thats good type thing and whoever lost the most weight we all were like "good job" But instead they want to win money. In my opinion thats stupid. The motivation shouldnt be about money it should be about making yourself a better and healthier person and helping the people you love to do the same. So I really think I might drop out cause I really dont like competition,but will see how it goes.
Man I worked out today and man it was hard but thats ok. I really need to be in better shape. I want to lose about 64 pounds will see how that goes lol.
Well I hope you all had a great New Years Eve and that you have a great year in 2009! :D


Olivia said...

well The money does motivate me...but I'm here to support just as much :)

Dustin & Jenn said...

The money motivates our family Afton, and most plan to throw a party for everyone with it. Sorry if you misunderstood us. We do support you though, we all support each other :) Part of how we show support or to encourage each other is to be competitive. We just show it differently.