Monday, August 9, 2010

10 Months Already!!

Yeah thats what Im thinking! I say it all the time and I cant believe how big she is getting. She gets into more and more trouble everyday. And with Daniel gone at work 5 out of the 7 days its been pretty hard, but I think we are doing ok. Sure the basement is a little messy with toys and clutter and the laundry is piling up but I think we are still doing ok. Caitlynn is so smart for her age and can say many words. She loves to clap now and usually does it when you say clap. She has 4 teeth on the bottom that are almost up all the way. Man are those suckers sharp!!! She amazes me every day at the things she does and she is always making me laugh. For example we got Netflix the other day and she will not watch the shows for kids 0-2 but she will watch the shows for 2-4 shes a dork. Lately her favorite thing do to is pull herself up and stand try to walk and then sit down. She does this like a thousand times a day! I bet she could walk if she had more confidence cause she will stand as long as she thinks your holding on to her she will stand. Yep Im going to have a walking kid soon enough. She I seriously remember this time last year and how I couldnt wait for her to come out it seems like that was only yesterday. Now in 2 months she will be 1! Thats not very far away. I love her so much!! Im so grateful she is in my life and that my family can be together forever!

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