Thursday, July 8, 2010

9 months!!!

I really cant believe my little baby is 9 months old! Just 3 months and she will be a year old!! Its just so weird. She went to the doctors today and she is doing so good. Shes so smart! I love her so much! She brings me such joy plus such pain, she is a handful lol.
Here are the things Caitlynn can do so far:
Shes 18 ibs 6 ozs and 27 1/2 inches long!! 50% in both growth charts :)
say mama
say dada
say kitty
say tig
waves bye to people
army crawls every where! shes just starting to crawl on her hands and knees but only sometimes
eats all kinds of food
in everything shes not suppose to be in
dances and sings
can drink out of a cup and a straw
loves to play with mommy and daddy
makes a silly smile! Its so goofy but I love it.
has no teeth yet but maybe one day
I know I say this a lot but she is such an amazing blessing! I couldnt ask for a better baby! I love my Caitlynn Suzanne Peterson!!

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