Friday, July 2, 2010

Days 25-30

Ok Im just combining the rest of the days cause if not it will be a pretty boring post. Ok it says to describe my day, week, and year in great detail. Well my life isnt that exciting! I do basically the same thing everyday. Wake up take care of Caitlynn, try to work out, try to clean (neither which I do), mostly just sit around. Thats about it. Some days are different some days we go to the store or my grandmas but thats it. Yeah I know excitng.
Whatever tickles my fancy- well I got to see Carrie Underwood. I liked it a lot but I was way high up which scared me and Im terrified of fireworks, always have been, and they were really close so I felt like I was going to have a heart attack but other then that it was nice to spend time with Daniel. Even though I missed Caitlynn. Speaking of Caitlynn shes so freaking smart. Shes almost 9 months old and can say 4 words. She says mama, dada, kitty, and tig. Plus a lot of gibberish lol. I love her!!
My goals for the next year- become a better person, a better mom, a better wife, do more stuff in the church, go to the temple more, get better at cleaning, lose weight.
I hope you all enjoyed the 30 days about me :)

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