Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whats the day?

Man being a mom sure isnt an easy job. Dont get me wrong I love it but some days I just wish I could run away for a little while and be by myself lol. Sometimes I dont even remember the day of the week to tell you the truth. Im not sure how Im going to handle more one day but hey Ill figure it out. :)
So not alot has happened Im just trying to keep up with the blog posting. I cant believe that its already March. Last year I was already pregnant with Caitlynn and starting stupid morning sickness. ugh! Exactly a year from today I was writing that I was scared I was having twins lol. Thank goodness that wasnt true. I really would be going crazy!
The only thing that has really happened was on Feb 27th me and Daniel have been together for 4 years! Thats so crazy! It feels like just yesterday when we were hiding our relationship from everyone lol. I remember once right before we were dating it rained at school that day and of course I was wearing slippers so when I got to Daryls that day (I went to his house almost everyday) I was under a blanket trying to warm up cause I was freezing! Well here comes Daniel and he gets under the blanket with me. I thought ok thats weird but I didnt mind cause I really liked him like stalker liked him lol.I punched him for some reason and he grabbed my fist with his hand. I tried to pull my hand away but he wouldnt let me and then slowly he just put his finger between mine. It was the first time EVER that I have gotten butterflies from holding someones hand. Well we sat like that for awhile and someone asked us are you holding hands and we both went no and pulled our hands out from the covers to show them lol. Man its just crazy to think that was 4 years ago and now we are sealed forever and we have a baby. But you know what I wouldnt have it any other way cause I have the GREATEST man on earth!

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