Wednesday, March 10, 2010

5 months

She actually was 5 months on Monday. But I've been kind of busy. I have been trying to get the basement cleaned cause Bill (Ka's finance) is staying at our house for a week. Im almost done :) And I've been trying to make hair things since I have a baby shower on Saturday. Lets hope I can get those done. Anyways I cant believe Caitlynn is 5 months old!! Its so crazy! Next month she will be half a year. Man time just flies by.
Things shes does:
Talks alot more sometimes I swear she says Mama sometimes but I might just be crazy
If shes elevated a little she will sit up all by herself
She can sit pretty much by herself unless she gets really excited
She can roll over both ways! But only if she wants too
Im pretty sure she will get some teeth soon.
She can crawl if we help her lol but she prefers to walk with help
She loves to go outside and to see everything shes to just study everything and loves to know whats going on. You can definitely tell shes Daniels daughter.
She is just the greatest goofy little girl I know. She loves to play and for the most part is always smiley. I just love her with all my heart. Im so happy to be able to be her mom and that she loves me. I cant believe how much shes growing. I love every moment with her the good and the bad.

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