Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Its A Little Caitlynn!

Today I went in with an ultrasound technician. The baby is doing great! It has everything it needs. Which is pretty exciting!! We did get to see the 4d thing as you can see above. It was freaky to me. Cause you can see everything. It was just weird to think that is really in me lol. So everything is great which makes me super happy. And it let us finally see and its a GIRL! It was so great! So in 19 weeks or so little Caitlynn Suzanne will make her appearance. Which is so scary cause that doesnt seem like a long time!

1 comment:

The Knudsen's said...

YAY I am excited for you!!! Thank you for shareing a picture. I hope that all is going good for you! Your in my prayers! Take Care!!