Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Doctors Appointment!

My first one is March 10th at 2! Im so happy! I just wanted to let you all know. Its just really weird to think im about 5 weeks when I should be 28 but thats ok at least I get a chance to have another one. :D So far my grandma, my brother and one of the familys friends thinks its a girl. They are silly. I havent heard what Daryl thinks yet but thats who I believe lol. But Im kind of thinking it might be a girl too cause unlike Riley I havent had morning sickness and stuff, but I am only 5 weeks so it might come later. Anyways if it is a girl her name is going to be Caitlynn Suzanne and of course if its a boy its going to be Aiden RD. Im so happy. I cant wait to go to the doctor and see my baby on the machine :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

What A Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Ok so the last few days have been GREAT!!!!!!!!! So lets start with Valentines day :D That morning Daniel went to go get gas and breakfast burritos well when he came home I said thank you for not getting me anything cause I didnt want him to spend more money on me cause he just got me a ring that cost about 160 that I get in a week. Well as soon as I said this Daniel starts laughing and he goes into the living room and brings back chocolate covered strawberries and I told him thank you and he laugh again and said oh thats not all and we went got a big pink daisy and I said I love it thank you and what happens he laughs again and said oh thats not it when he came back this time he had a dozen of pink roses. And that was it lol. I swear hes the best husband ever. Well then me, Daniel and Turbo (aka Jake Daniels best friend) went to Monster Trucks. I know what your thinking monster trucks on valentines? Well it was my idea I love them lol. Turbo was suppose to bring a date but couldnt find one but that fine too it didnt matter to me. Well I thought it started at 230 cause thats what it said online when I got the tickets well we got there at like 233. Well I realized man alots gone on so far in 3 mins so I checked the ticket and it started at 2 but thats ok it was still GREAT! After that we went to Turbos house and played games, where they sang me happy birthday since my birthday was on Sunday. It was alot of fun sure it wasnt what I was expecting at all for Valentines day but that ok it was still good.
On Sunday it was my birthday. Yep I am not 19. I know shocking. Well I went to church like a good kid and then came home and I had a birthday party for the first time in I dont know how many years. I invited family and a few friends it was great. I didnt get a lot of presents but thats fine I really dont care about them anyways. The funniest thing is my mom, step dad and brother got me a half gallon of milk and hot Cheetos cause they didnt know what to get me, cause I had no idea what I wanted. But later on they gave me money but I would of been fine with just the hot Cheetos and milk i love those lol. Well thats all that happened that day. Oh wait thats not all it (he he I wanted to do it too) Well I decided to take a pregnancy test because Im a week late and I thought it would be cool if I was pregnant I found out on my birthday. So I took one and it said....................POSITIVE! :D yay Im so happy! It was the best birthday present I could ever ask for. Im not sure how far along I am but one of the due date calendar said Im due Oct 18th and Im about 5 weeks but I guess Ill find out when I got to the doctor in a few weeks. Anyways thats all my news.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I Love The Way The Lord Works

ok so I now really really believe more then I did before that the Lord answers prayers and that tithing can give you blessing. So me and Daniel like 2 weeks ago was really struggling I mean we could even pay rent and I know its cause we dont spend money wisely anyways Daniel said we are going to get a bonus from work its probably going to be 100 I said ok cool thats a little bit more money. Well it was 1200 after taxes so we paid off the clinic so that was cool. Well we were still kind of broke cause our medical bill was like 700 something and we went crazy thinking we had money when we didnt were stupid like that well even though I got paid we were sure how we were going to Moab cause we had to make a car payment so there goes my whole check. Well yesterday I got on our banking account thinking oh were have about 600 cause Daniel just got paid well we had 112 in our line of credit which I was expecting and I look up and there is 1600 in our checking I had no idea how we got that much so I open it and instead of getting 1001 back from taxes we got 1300 we think this is cause last year they didnt give us our whole stimulus thing so yeah well so I called the hospital to pay off the last hospital bill and they gave me 20% for paying it all at once so it was like 700 something not 900. So I thought that was super cool. So we were doing pretty good. well I woke up this morning thinking its Friday the 13th and something good always happens to me and my family on Friday the 13th but all the good things hap pend yesterday well I was sleeping and Daniel called and said you need to get up and look at our bank account I thought oh no we missed something or I did something yesterday and tried to get limewire and it wasnt and I paid for it so I thought they were taking money out of our account cause I gave them our card number so I asked are we poor and he said just the opposite he said his work but in our 2nd part of the bonus we got in dec so they put in 1600 so im just in shock cause we have all this extra money and its just awesome and I just want to tell people cause i think its such a cool story cause I know its cause of the Lord this is happening

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Silly Clumsyness!

So today I was running down the stair to get something and at the very last stair I tripped and twist my ankle all funny. I mean the top of my foot hit the carpet. Also when this happened I heard a loud popping noise. Well thank goodness there is a couch at the bottom of the stairs. So I sat down on the end of the couch and tried to walk well that wasnt working. So I just layed on the couch and cried cause no one was home and it hurt so bad. I called Daniel and he said he was coming home. But he works in Brigham and the winter was horrible today so that means bad roads. So I texted Colette cause she was in a camp meeting and she said she would be home soon. So when Colette got home she moved and she said it had good flexibility so it wasnt broken. Well she thought I should still go to the doctor. She wrapped it and gave me so medicine and some ice. Then Daniel came home and we were just going to the doctor when I stepped on it and it popped again. So they think I popped it back into place. So no need to go to the doctor. I just layed there and cried cause of the pain (im a pansy) Well finally Daniel gave me a blessing and after that I fell asleep and it feels alot better then it did. I still have pain but not as bad. And I believe its cause of the blessing the pain isnt as bad. Well its still huge and its bruised but things will get better. Im just going to stay off of it as much as possible so we can go tp Moab in 2 weeks lol. I just love how clumsy I am lol

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Elder Ben Duane Wright!

This is my friend Ben. Ive known him since we started middle school so what 7 or 8 years. Well today I went to his farewell. Hes going to the Washington Tacoma Mission. Me and him arent best of friends or anything but he is on of my friends that are very dear to me no matter how far we grow from each other. I just wanted to write about how proud I am that he decided to go on a mission. Its so weird to think that someone that I have known for so long is going on a mission. It kind of makes me feel old lol. I mean Im going to be 19 in a week lol. Anyways I know that Ben will be a great missionary and that he will touch alot of peoples hearts cause hes a great guy.I pray he will stay safe and he will have the Holy Ghost with him always.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scentional Savings!

This month everything* is 10% off. Even that awesome warmer of the month is 10% off. The scent of the month is called Taracco Mint. Everyone I know has liked it so far. If anyone wants anything just let me know!
But man isnt that warmer this month awesome! I love it! Its my favorite!
*the only thing not 10% off is the perfect scentsy,scentsy sampler and double the scentsy


yep im a red head! I did it! I love my hair! Its great! Sorry about the picture its the only one that comes close to the real color. Its alot brighter in person and alot brighter in the sun! Its amazing!