Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hair Nets Are Sexy!

Yep thats what I look like when I work. People say no one looks good in hair nets but I pull it off lol. Not really. So today was my first day and it wasnt to bad just super boring cause they put me in the back. I think thats what people said to me most is "wow they have you by yourself back here" or something like that lol. I did ok except when I was about 4 hours into it my feet started hurting really bad. I just kept praying please help me get through this lol. But hey its money. I dont work tomorrow but I work Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Saturday is an 8 hour shift not 6. And in these next 4 days I have 2 Scentsy parties. So by Sunday I'm going to be completely dead and probably thinking if I want to go to church or not. But I will cause I have too. Not only cause its the right thing to do but Sunday me and Daniel are getting sustained into our new callings. Well thats about it going on in my bust life. Daniel says "hey a least your not bored at home now lol" He always looks at the brighter side of things lol

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tell Me What You Think

What do you think of me as a red head? Ignore the way the hair looks and the make up I was just goofying off. But I think I might look good as a red head and I wanted to see what you guys thought or if I was crazy or not lol

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Want To See Something Funny

go to my kitties blog and watch the video.

A Working Woman

Yep thats right I have a job! Surprising isnt it? lol Im a sample lady at Costco. Its not full time but we just need a little extra cash. Its 11 bucks an hour and I work 6 hour shifts. It sounds like it should be lots of fun. The only thing Im not going to like about it is I cant wear my wedding ring and Im a girly girl and I cant have nail polish or fake nails ugh. But it will be ok. I just need to help us out for a little bit lol. Anyways I just wanted to let you all know!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Adventure

So today I decided I want to sew. I have never really sewed alot in my life. I did in home economics when I was in 8th grade but I never went to school so it wasnt alot lol. And plus that was what 6 years ago lol. So I wanted to make a skirt but Colette said I should start with PJs cause they are the easiest. So I got some fabric and a pattern and we will see how it goes lol. I also have some fabric that I bought a little while ago to make a baby blanket and even though I'm not having a baby now I thought hey I should make it anyways and practice. So thats what I'm going to do lol. Im pretty sure that they are going to suck cause the only time I have sew it was WAY crooked lol. But I'll take a picture when I'm done and show you all I just wanted to tell you my new thing lol

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Warmer of the Month and Scent of the Month

The Warmer this month is called Sweetheart and the scent this month is Spruce and Citrus. It has a very interesting smell. I kind of like it lol. Also this month if you host a party you get 2 half priced item instead of one if your party is more the $150 :D. You can also check out my web site here if you want get anything special for anyone for Valentines day :D. You can also email me from there or leave a comment on here if you are interested in having a party. Cause why not it makes perfect senses ;D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lots Of Pinches Here

So tomorrow is the 2nd weight in for our biggest loser competition. Last week me and Daniel lost one pound each which put him in last place and which put me in 2nd to last. So thats not very good. But we decied and we talked to everyone that were not going to put in money cause our hospital bills are so high. So if we win by some chance we dont get the money which is fine with us. Anyways Im pretty sure this week I didnt lose any if anything I put on some pounds. lol So it should be interesting on how it goes lol. Thats about all thats happened this week except my launch party which I already mentioned. Since then I have booked 3 partirs :D. So this business is going great! I hope it keeps going good. Well I hope all of you are having a good 2009 so far I will talk to you later

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Makes Perfect Sense

So I had my launch party tonight. It went really good. The whole party was like $305 so I maked like $61 and to me thats not bad I mean thats date night lol. The only thing that made me sad is that 12 people showed up out of like 45 people invited. And I realized tonight I really dont have any friends. All that showed up was family and my neighbors. And one of my friends showed up ONE!!!!!!!! Seriously! I mean I understand why Olivia didnt come cause she told me she wasnt going to make it cause her and Micheal was doing something and thats fine with me cause I know that husbands are more important. And my friend Jessi told me she had plans already and thats fine too. But other then that no one else said they were coming. Im fine they didnt come I just wish they would of told me "hey I cant make it" and that would of been better then nothing. But hey thats how life goes I guess. But I am happy for the people that did come and that they bought stuff that really makes me happy and my neighbor booked a party yay! Anyways I just wanted to let you know it went good. And that Ka is a GREAT help and I love her dearly and I dont know what I would do without her :D

Friday, January 2, 2009


Yay the new year is finally here. I sure hope this year is better the 2008 cause to tell you the truth it sucked. The only good thing about 2008 was graduating and that wasnt all that exciting to me lol.
Anyways New Years Eve we went to Stines party at her house she turned 11 this year. Then we came home and ate food and played the air hockey tournament. I almost won in the Losers Bracket (people that already lost) but Ali beat me lol. And thats about it.
We started our family biggest loser competition. Which includes me, Daniel, Livi, Muk (hes gaining muscle weight), Jenn, Toni, Jason, Daryl and Ali. It started on Jan 1st and its going to go till April 1st. Im not sure if im going to stay in it. I mean I'm still going to workout and stuff cause I really need to get in shape but I dont know about this whole competition thing. I thought it was going to be a support thing not everyone saying "im going to win" I thought it was going to be how are you doing thats good type thing and whoever lost the most weight we all were like "good job" But instead they want to win money. In my opinion thats stupid. The motivation shouldnt be about money it should be about making yourself a better and healthier person and helping the people you love to do the same. So I really think I might drop out cause I really dont like competition,but will see how it goes.
Man I worked out today and man it was hard but thats ok. I really need to be in better shape. I want to lose about 64 pounds will see how that goes lol.
Well I hope you all had a great New Years Eve and that you have a great year in 2009! :D