Tuesday, October 28, 2008


man I dont know why I'm so worried but I just dont know what to do. Ive liked the name Riley since like 7th grade and I always said no matter what my first child will be named Riley but the more and more I hear it I'm not so sure. I don't know why I'm just beggining to not like it. I was thinking about if its a boy Aiden Rd and if its a girl Catlynn Suzanne but I dont know lol. I know I still have what 6 months to figure it out but still lol. Maybe it will come to me cause right now I dont really feel like theres something growing inside of me. Sure im sick and all but I was always sick anyways before I was pregnant cause I was just weird or something was wrong with my head but still so the sick thing is nothing new and I'm not showing or anything and I cant feel it yet. I dont know I'm just in a weird stage anyways ill stop complaining now and go do something I should be doing lol

1 comment:

The Knudsen's said...

The moment you feel the baby it will suddenly seen very crazy and real. Also, I know for me hearing the heartbeat also made it seem more real. Have you all got to hear the heart beat yet? That was really fun and exciting!