Monday, October 6, 2008

Funny Story!

So i figured i would share this story cause i thought it was funny! So my mom has this friend and my mom shes "psychic". and i kind of believe in stuff like that but at the same time i dont so yeah and i guess a week before i told my mom i was pregnant this lady told my mom she was going to have a grand baby soon and my mom didnt believe her cause i not suppose to have babies right now but then a week later i called my mom and told her i was pregnant lol. So i was all man this lady is good lol well then im kind of scared cause of the pcos the doctor told me i had it says i have a 45% chance of a miscarriage and that freaked me out which freaked my mom out well my mom told her friend and she said i had nothing to worry about and i already knew that from my blessings i have received anyways she also said that she saw my baby and it was a girl and that she was perfect and beautiful and she said she had red hair which could be quiet possible with our kids. Well i told this story to daryl and colette (daniels parents) and daryl said thats werid i had a dream about Riley Lynn which means a boy! But Daryl hasnt been wrong with the gender of any of his kids or grandkids that 12 kids so im thinking its a boy now! lol But im also getting what if its twins i have been getting that alot and then this happens lol! i guess we will see what happens on the 15th and see if there is 2 heart beats if theres only one im pretty sure im having a baby boy so yeah lol that was my story i thought it was funny!

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