Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Little Slow....

Okay as you can tell I have not been keeping up my blog very well. I really have not been able to handle time very well. I always turn in school assignments late, things are always messy it seems like, I even have video games I was so excited to play and still have not played them. Okay end of rant. I will try better to keep up because it really is nice to look back and see the things the girls did that I forgot about (have I mentioned I also have a bad memory).
The girls are growing so fast and I love them for each day. Though Caitlynn is acting up more and more. I am not sure if its the fact that Kairi needs more attention now and she feels like she is not getting enough or if its just the age. Today she lied about everything, she is potty trained but wouldn't go today, she would not listen to anyone and was just full of attitude. Even at one point she said, "I don't like Kairi." I think it might be the girls have been sick and shes just recovering. All I know is I hope she behaves a lot better tomorrow.
Daniel lost his job a few days ago but already has an interview for another. Life is hard right now but I know if we draw closer to the Lord we will be okay. I have been really sick the last few days so I am glad that Daniel has been here to help me. Okay he has done everything but I am grateful I have a man that will do that.
Okay I guess I better go edit images now. I did a wedding and it had 4 different events I took images for and I have over 2000 images to edit! I just hope they like all of them when it is all over.
Once again I will try to stayed updated on this blog but I am not making any promises.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hang in there! It's hard but if we allow the Atonement to work in our lives we can learn who Heavenly Father wants us to be during the hard times. You are doing great!!