Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This year is a little different then other years. Usually my main goal is to lose weight and yes this is something I would like to do in the next few months but it is not a main thing for me right now.
This year I really want to change the person I am. I hate the person I am and I think the biggest reason is my attitude. I need to have a better attitude about everything. This year I really want to work on being a better person.
Also I really want to be a better mother. I feel like I am not the best one right now and its probably because I am so hard on myself. This year I will be a mother of two kids and that thought terrifies me. I am the person that teaches them and helps them grow and I am scared I will do it all wrong.
I also want to be a better wife. My husband is amazing and I do not feel like I do enough to show my love to him. I need to treat him better and show him how much I appreciate him.
Another thing I want to do is be a better person spiritually. Right now I feel like I am a Sunday Mormon. I go to church and I do my calling but thats about it. I need to get better at this. Not only for me but for my family. I need to teach my kids by example how to live the gospel. I also want to be with my husband forever and I won't let something like me being lazy stop that.
There are many things I will like to change and there are many ways I can do these things. I just need to do them and quit saying I will do them. No excuses!
I really am going to start using this Blog a lot more too. Only because I think it will help me get my feelings out a bit more since I do not have many people that understand me. That way it doesn't eat me alive, if that makes sense.
I really hope this year I can become the person I want to be and not the person I am because I am to lazy to change it. Its up to me to change myself.

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