Saturday, December 31, 2011


I can't believe this year is already over!! It seemed like it just started. I won't say this year was amazing but it also wasn't bad. It was just kind of there. A few things happened this year but it wasn't as crazy as our life is usually which is fine with me.

Caitlynn has grown so much over this last year. She still changes every day. She is miss jabber jaws now even though you don't know what shes saying half the time. It is getting a little clearer though. She is super independent and has to do everything herself and in her own way. She has almost mastered how to put her clothes and shoes on by herself. I love how she is very set in her ways. If you move her cup at the table a few inches she will move it back right to where she wants it. She can be very mean sometimes and I can tell the 2s are going to be a challenge. At the same time she is very sweet and sensitive. She gets upset if something sad happens in a movie and I can't even take her to the doctors with me because she thinks them taking my blood pressure is going to kill me. She also loves to give you hugs and kisses. Even though sometimes those hugs and kisses can be a little violent at times. :) She is the best little girl in the world and I loved to watch how much she has changed this last year. I am excited to see the new things she does this up and coming year.

Daniel has gotten a lot done over this last year. He has finished his Associates at the University of Phoenix. Which I am so proud of him for getting that done. He still works at Wal Mart but is studying to take the National certification and then State for Pharm Tech and hopes to get a job as that soon. He is also hoping to start Weber State in the summer to take some of hes classes he needs for Pharmacy school. He is the hardest worker and the best husband and father. He loves to spend lots of time with Caitlynn. She also is a big daddys girl so that helps. I am so happy I have someone so amazing to spend forever with.
I haven't done much this year. I am still in school and still have tons more to go. I sometimes wonder why I am going to school but I have already learned so much and love the things I have learned. I am still doing photography even if its not taking off the way I would hope thats ok because I love doing it. I had a job for a short time this year as a waitress and came to learn that being a mom and working is something I cannot handle. I have tired to help my family finacially since then but it never seems to work out. I have come to the decision that I am suppose to be home even if me having a job would help us a little more. Being a stay at home mom is the most rewarding beyond anything else. I love being able to spend every day with Caitlynn. Its one of the best blessings ever.

Even though this year hasn't been totally exciting something exciting has happened. We found out we are going to be added to our wonderful family. It will be another girl and her name is going to be Kairi (kye-ree) I have to admit I am terrified of having two kid and both girls and I pray that I can make it work. I am almost to my 3rd trimester and super excited. Pregnancy and me do not get a long lol. Thank goodness I haven't been super sick like I was with Caitlynn. This one is all about the pain. Even though most days I feel like an 80 year old woman because I can't even get up off a couch very well I am very thankful. I am not sure what this new baby is going to bring and I am sure there will be lots of challenges I am sure together and with the Lord we will get it worked out. I am so excited to meet her in a few months. I love her already and am truly blessed.
Another things that have happened this year is me and Daniel celebrated 5 years together. I can't believe its been that long. I love that I blessed to be with such a wonderful man and that it will last forever. He helps me through everything and he is my biggest support.
This coming year I am looking forward to all the changes I am sure will happen. I am going to start potty training Caitlynn, Kairi will be here around March sometimes, and I really think this might be the year we get our own place. Also with Daniel starting a real University that he has to go to will be a hard transition but we will deal with it some how. I hate that life is going by so fast but I love watching all the changes.
I wish you all the best for 2012 and I hope that it is a good year for you.

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