Monday, January 30, 2012

8 more weeks!

Real quick about my last post I just want to tell Ka and Tia thanks for commenting on it. You guys made me feel a lot better. I was just going to comment on it but wasn't sure you would see it so I thought I would just thank you here. I love both of you and I am very thankful to call both of you my friend and my family.
I have 8 more weeks to my due date. It might actually be less because I had Caitlynn at 37 weeks (for medical reason) but you never know for sure. I am so excited. I am excited to maybe not feel like an 80 year old woman. I am excited to see what she looks like. I am excited to have another kid that I am able to raise. I am just pretty excited! But I am also scared. I am scared I won't be able to handle two. I am scared that I won't give both of them the attention they deserve. I also kind of feel like I am letting Caitlynn down for some reason and like she needs more time alone. I then look at it that my other kids won't get that comfort of just them and she will be ok but it still makes me feel a little scared. I am also a little scared we won't get everything done. We are working on our living space right now and granted its not that bad because we have been getting better with cleaning. Its just to me it seems like there is so much to do. I also need to go to the shed and get all the little clothes out and I have to go through tons of boxes because they are all mixed together. I guess we also need to work on the organizing thing, it would probably help with a lot of things. I hope and pray we get it done. Its just a little hard when I can barley move. Thankfully I do have a husband that helps and does a lot of things lately and I am grateful for that. I just can't believe I have only 8 weeks or less to get all this done! I want the time to go by fast because I am ready to meet her but at the same time I still want a little more time to get everything together, not sure if that makes sense. Anyways just wanted to write down my feelings. I am sure everything will work out and things will happen the way they are suppose to be. I just can't believe its almost time!!

1 comment:

Kaleena said...

This blog entry is just proof of how great a mom you really are. If you weren't a great mom you wouldn't have any of those worries nor would you have the faith that it will all work out and be ok.