Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 08 - A Song That You Know All The Words To

Ok I pretty much know the words to lots of songs! I am pretty good at lyrics. I decided to go with this song though. I love this musical and know the words to all the songs but this song is one of my very favorites. I loved that I have had a chance to see this musical and hope I can again one day! Best musical EVER! This song is amazing!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 07 - A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Event

This is going to sound strange but this song reminds me of when I gave birth to Caitlynn. Why might you ask? Well that morning I had a doctors appointment to just check up on Caitlynn. This song was popular then and on the way it was on the radio. I was "dancing" in my car the best I could with a huge belly and with being in the car. While doing this the thought came to me. I think tonight is going to be a good night. Well after seeing my midwife she said Caitlynn was losing weight because she had no room to grow and there wasn't really any fluid around her. So she sent me straight to the hospital. That night I had Caitlynn so it was a good night!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 06 - A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere

This song reminds me of the Anniversary Inn in Logan. That might sound weird let me explain. The Anniversary Inn is where Daniel and I went on our honeymoon and we listen to this song a lot for some reason there. The TV had a program where you could watch music videos and we listen to this song about 3 times. Why? I am not sure. That is why it reminds me of Anniversary Inn lol.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

People That Take Pictures.

I do not know what is wrong with me lately I use to look at site that advertise for pictures and think "Oh man these look so good." Now all I can do is criticizethem. I know I am not the best photographer. I do not consider myself a professional and usually feel bad that I charge people because I do not think I am good enough but everyone said I should. That being said I seriously do not know why some people pay others tons of money for crappy pictures. Sorry I was looking at tons of sites lately thinking WTF what kind of pictures are these. There is tons of people that think just because they have a camera they can become a photography. I do believe you can learn to become better but some people I do not think quite understand it. Ok I might just be rambling and you guys might be thinking shes doing the same thing. I just wanted to type the frustration out even though I am not sure if I made any sense lol

Friday, May 6, 2011


I just took some for my mom and I feel like they are so good! I don't mean to toot my own horn I just feel like I am getting better and better and I am actually starting to look professional! I am so excited! I might be wrong but they look so good to me! I love taking pictures! I am so glad I decided to do this!

Want to see more?! I have some on my Facebook page at Amped Up Photos
In other news not much has happened and I only lost on point on my assignment! Not bad I usually lose points (well in this class) I do have a 92% with a week and half left so thats not bad! Then on to Basic Mathematic yuck! Oh and the teacher did leave my a note on the assignment. This is what he said: "Your explanation is correct, but requires understanding of not only capacity and length but how you are specifically using them. I understand what you are saying, but I already know what depth and volume are." I guess I kind of understand him now. Anyways that is all and I hope to try to update you more and maybe finish the 30 day music thing! Thanks for reading this! Your the best!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update On Last Post!

My teacher hasn't said anything to me but a lot of my classmates are saying stuff like "I think you answered this question perfectly couldn't of said it better myself." I am sure in a few days when I get a grade for it he will leave a note on my grade and take a few points off. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I just wanted to let you all know in case you were curious!