Monday, April 5, 2010

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail...

This Easter weekend was pretty great! I loved listening to Conference even though to tell you the truth I dont listen all the time but what I do hear was great. Ill go back and read them later. I just have a problem paying attention for long periods of time. But I am grateful that we do have General Conference and the things we learn. The cutest thing happened when Conference started as soon as Monson came on and started talking Daniel said "babe look." I look over and Caitlynn is just starting at Monson and is so quiet and peaceful. Thats one of the reasons I know this Church is true cause Im sure Caitlynn knows alot more then we do and she loves anything about church. Its amazing Im so grateful we have for all our leaders and all they do. And that I have the Church in my life today.

I love these men! I dont know if most people know this but when Hinckley passed away me and Daniel was talking about who we thought would be in the 1st Presidency. Well Daniel named who he thought was going to be in it and I said "Well I think Uchtdorf will be in it." Cause I dont know but I just love the way he talks and hes my favorite. He has been since I joined the Church :). Well Daniel said "yeah I doubt it cause other people have been in the Quorum of the 12 longer then him" and i just said "we'll see." Then of course he was put in the 1st Presidency. It just makes me laugh that my guess was right :)
Well our Easter was alot of fun!We dyed eggs a few days before Easter. I love dying eggs. On Easter when Caitlynn woke up I wanted to show her the stuff she got before she got hungry. She loved all her stuff. Well she wasnt sure what to think about her bubbles but she loved the rest. Then we ate breakfast and then sat around till we went to Grams. It was just a great day! I love days that I get to spend time with family. They are my favorite days :) Heres some pictures! Oh and I died and cut my hair! I love it! :)

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