Sunday, April 11, 2010

6 months!

Caitlynn is half a year old!!!! Goodness gracious! I cant believe the time has gone by this fast! Before I know it shes going to be a year!!! Its so exciting and scary all at the same time!! At her doctors appointment on April 9th she was 15 pounds 8 ounces and about 26 inches! Can you believe that! Shes getting so big!!! Not alot has change since last month she still does the same things! She should have teeth soon and she should crawl soon if she wouldnt roll on her back as soon as we put her on her belly. All I know is she is one of the greatest blessings in my life and I cherish everyday that I have with her! I love her with all of my heart! I love being a mother!

1 comment:

Kaleena said...

I love that picture of her! SOOO cute, too bad we aren't friends or I would tell her in person.