Sunday, February 21, 2010

I decided....

That Im going to write more. I mean why else do I have a blog? I just thought I would let you know that. Not much as been going on. Valentines has come and past. It was really nice me and daniel got steak and crab and shrimp and made it for dinner it was yummy. The next day was my 20th birthday. This was my present from Daniel.

I love it! I suck at it! I am getting better though. I just need to practice. Even though I dont have alot of time for that but thats ok. On my birthday we went to breakfast with some of the family and then the mall and chic-fil-a for lunch. Then that night we had a little get together at Grams. It was nice.
Thats about all thats happened but I will write soon. Im going to try to write a least once a week :) something to say goodbye with look how cute she is....

1 comment:

Kaleena said...

I like the hats with the flowers way better than those other freaky ones