Monday, February 8, 2010

4 Months Old!

Not alot has been going on lately. Just been being a mom and Daniel has been working his butt off. We are looking for a place to live which is great! im so excited to live on our own. We are trying to find a cheap/nice house, cause we figured if we could find a cheap house our payments would be just as much as an apartment but it would be our house and we could paint and stuff :) So Caitlynn is 4 months today! Can you believe it?! shes getting so big! she goes to the doctor tomorrow so im not sure how big she is but im sure shes at least 15 pounds or more! Shes so big!
Things she can do:
She sits up great! She almost can by herself.
On her belly she can hold her head up. She cant roll over yet but she hates her belly so we dont put her on it alot. I dont think shes even going to crawl I think shes going to be a butt slider.
She loves music! she loves to dance and to be sang too. And sometimes when you sing to her she sings back
She is a chatty thing she loves to talk and talk and talk
She can laugh but only when she wants to so we dont hear it to often.
She loves to stand and is really good at it.
Shes starting the whole teething thing so shes grumpy sometimes but thats ok.
I know I say this alot but she is the most amazing baby! I love being a mom even though I have found out its super hard. You never get me time you never get sleep you arent even allowed to be sick! But thats ok cause this is one of the best things that have ever happened to me! I love my little Caitlynn Suzanne, and even if shes growing super fast and it makes me sad Im so excited to see her grow even more. Shes is great!! Words cant even describe.

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