Monday, January 4, 2010


Wow time flies when your having fun! Its so hard to write a blog now with Caitlynn. Shes always awake and always wants to play! Anyways Christmas was really good. I got to go to the Smiths Christmas party and the Peterson Christmas party! They were both great! The zoo was alot of fun too! Christmas was ok. Just a normal Christmas. Next year is going to be alot of fun cause Caitlynn will actually enjoy it lol. New years eve was lame like always. I dont know why New Years Eve is always lame but it is lol. Other then that nothing has really happened. Except Daryl was here and that was great! I didnt see him as much as I would like but it was still nice to see him.
I figured I didnt need to put up pictures cause everyone that reads my blog is my friend on facebook and all the pictures are there :)
Man I know it doesnt seem like it but life has been busy! Caitlynn can sit up almost by herself shes starting to lift herself when she gets on her belly she will be crawling all over the place soon. And she loves to talk! All the time! She will talk to anyone or anything the other day she was talking to the refrigerator lol. Its going to be interesting when she can actually say words.
I cant believe its a new year! 2009 was an ok year except I was pregnant through most of it lol. But it was a good year! This next year is going to be alot of fun. Watching Caitlynn grow, moving to Brigham when we get our taxes and many things I dont even know. Things can only get better from here :D
Can you believe that on Friday Caitlynn will be 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Time does fly doesn't it! I hear it really flies when you have kids. So, enjoy every minute at every stage with Caitlynn.
I love your family picture at the top of the blog by the way! Way cute!!