Tuesday, September 22, 2009

its the final countdown!

Thought my water broke but I was wrong. But that's ok its better to be safe then sorry right lol. But I'm at a good 1 and possible a 2 so maybe a little bigger since friday. Caitlynns head is really low and ready to go. I have no mucus plug. Which I really don't understand what that does anyways lol. And I'm having "mild" contractions every ten mins. Which freaks me out cause they are just mild and hurt like crazy! But hey at least now they are showing up on the monitor lol. The nurse said she said ill probably deliver sometime in the next 2 weeks! That's frightening! And to top it all off I have a bladder infection which probably isn't adding to the pain problem. Soon it will all be over with. So you never know maybe my next post will be to welcome caitlynn to the world!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Any Bets?

Sorry I haven't wrote a post in awhile. Not much as been going on. I'm just trying to survive being pregnant and Daniel just has been working so the normal stuff lately lol. I've been having a lot of pain lately and thought maybe it was contractions but I guess I was wrong cause the monitor today at the doctors didn't show anything lol. They think I might have a bladder infection. Isn't that just what I need a bad gallbladder a bladder infection and being pregnant. Sounds like fun doesn't it lol. Well today caitlynn was 5 pounds 5 ounces and I've only gained 2 pounds this whole pregnancy so far :] I think that's pretty impressive lol. Anyways I was dilated to about a 1 1/2 today and thinned about 85% percent! So I guess now I just wait and see what will happen. Any bets when she's coming? Lol

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Not much but thats ok

Not alot has been going on lately I just figured I would write a blog cause I havent in awhile lol. Hmmm lets see what important has happened..........My brother in law Daryl left Monday for boot camp. Yes hes in the Army and you know what I thought maybe I would be excited he was gone cause we really dont get along all the time our personalities kind of dont mix but to tell you the truth I miss him like crazy all ready and hes only been gone 4 days. When I had to say goodbye to him on Sunday all I could do is cry. But all month I have been trying not to cry but I couldnt help it. Yes we fight alot but he means alot to me he took me in when no one else would and tried to help me when I was a wild and crazy teenager. And if it wasnt for him I would of never met the love of my life Daniel. So I owe a lot to him. Im just so proud of him that he would do this and I do love him a lot even if we do step on each other toes a lot.
Besides that happening there has been lots of problems in my family. My cousin Lee over dosed on tons of different stuff. Hes still in the hospital and hes still in a coma but yesterday he moved his fingers and they took him off the machine that was helping him breathe and now hes breathing by himself. So thats good. We hope that he wakes up and hes normal but we still arent sure at this moment cause he doesnt have very good brain scans. I just pray that he will be ok.
Another thing that happened was my mom kicked my 18 year old brother out of the house. But he deserved it. Hes just a big trouble maker and doesnt do anything hes suppose too. He was suppose to graduate last year yeah didnt happen he is suppose to be finding a job cause my mom is the only one that works out of 4 people in the house yeah he sleeps all day and yesterday my mom fianlly had it. He was throwing a fit and didnt want to come home and eat dinner so my mom gave him the choice to eat with the family or leave and he left. I mean I love my little brother with all my heart and I know my mom does too but this is whats going to be best for him and maybe he will learn to grow up a little bit. Right now Im just trying to be there for my mom cause this is breaking her heart but its something that has to be done and I hope it helps him in the long run.
Other then that nothing really has happend lol. I go to the doctors today and I hope she can help me cause my gallbladder is just getting worse and Im tried of the pain but Im betting Im just going to have to live with it Ill let you all know if something else happens with that.
Im sorry that this is kind of a sad depressing blog Ill try to write a happy one next time lol.