Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Is It October Yet?
Went to the doctors today. It went great! My doctor said my weight is good which I was happy for cause I was scared it wouldn't be. The only thing wrong with me is my blood pressure was a little high but I think its cause I had a headache. Machell said Caitlynn looks good of course like every other visit she was small but she is bigger then she has been if that makes sense. Usually she's like 7 days behind but this time she was 5. Machell said she thinks its gentics I mean I was 3 weeks late and weight only 6 pounds. Caitlynn was so cute once I saw her press her hand to my belly I thought it was adorable lol. She weights 1 pound 5 ounces which is crazy to think! She moves like crazy now and loves to kick Daniel whenever he puts his hand on my belly lol. I just can't wait for her to come! She's already so wonderful! Plus to tell you the truth I'm ready to be done and I'm not even in my 3rd trimester yet! I will be in 3 more weeks. Yeah I'm dreading that lol. But I just wanted to let you all know she's doing great! Only 112 days left! (well around there lol)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Some How I Found A Life
The last few weeks have been crazy!!! But Ill just start with last week cause I cant remember any further then that even though I know things happened lol.
So last Monday my great grandma had to go to the hospital to get dye in her heart to find out why she was having discomfort. My great grandma is only 73 so shes really not that old. Well we got there at 8. They took her back about 9 and then they took her to get the thing done at 1030. By then I was already to go home lol. Around noon she was done and we went back to see what the doctor had to say. He said they werent going to do surgery cause she has already had open heart twice ande they said it would probably cause a huge heart attack and they thought that wasnt a good idea and we agreed. They said she has a few branches that are 50-70% closed which isnt great but they think they can fix it with medicine. After that they said she could leave about 5 or 6. I was at the hospital till 4 and decided to go home I was pretty tired since I really didnt sleep the night before. I laid around all day after that.
Tuesday I had to be at grams at 630 cause someone had to be there with her for the next 2 days and my grandma went to work. My mom showed up about 730 and we just sat there with her all day. Which wasnt to bad but I wished I was home lol. When Daniel got off work he picked me up. When we got home he took a nap and I cleaned, since his friend Turbo (Jake) was coming over so we could go to the midnight viewing of Transformers (thats why Daniel was napping) Usually I wouldnt care if the basement was messing hes seen it like that a million times before but he was bringing his girlfriend Andee, who we never met before, and I didnt want her to think we were slops just yet lol. Daniel slept for about an hour and half and then came and helped. We thought he was going to be here about 830 so we could play games first but he was slow. He didnt get here till about 10-1030 and we met him at Mcdonalds lol. Afterwards we came to our house and sat there for about 5 mins before we went to the movie. So we did all that cleaning for nothing really but hey it got cleaned lol. The Transformers movie was ok. It was really crude. It swore alot more then I thought it would, there was alot of sexual stuff in it. Lets just say I was impressed. I mean alot of people like the movie but I really didnt. It was nice to see Turbo though since we dont see him alot and to meet Andee she seems like a really nice girl. I cant wait till I get to know her a little bit more.
Wednesday I begged and begged Daniel to stay home or at least go to work late since he only had 3 hours of sleep. But he didnt listen. That about all that happened that day it was my lazy day lol.
Thursday I had to be to grams early again cause I was going to take her to her check up appointment since everyone else was working. Well of course the day Im there all by myself shes super sick. I have no idea what to do. I got her appointment to see her doctor cause before she was just going in to get her blood drawn. Well thankful my mom got off to come help me which I was so thankful for. When we got her to the doctors she couldnt even walk we had to get her a wheel chair. The doctor said he thinks it was her new medicine that was making her sick so he took her off of it and gave her a anti nausea shot and medicine. After that she started feeling better thank goodness. I then had to go pack stuff since I was going with my grandma and grams to Saint George for my grandmas best friends wedding. Grams wasnt going to go but she was feeling better. We left about 4 and got to Saint George about 1030.
Saint George was ok but it wasnt that great. For one I missed Daniel like crazy since he couldnt go since he had to work and another we really didnt do anything. Connies wedding was nice, short but nice. It was just weird to be around people I didnt know. Thats all we really did. Nothing that exciting. On the way home Saturday we stopped at my uncles. Which I wasnt to happy about I just wanted to go home. We finally got home about 6 on Saturday. Dont get me wrong it was nice spending time with my family but I was ready to be home. Especially since we didnt eat that much since those old women dont eat alot but I needed too. So when I got home I ate a baked potato and Daniel took me out to dinner. There I ate all my salad and spaghetti like I said I was starving lol.
Yesterday (Sunday) was great!! Me and Daniel just spend the whole day together except when we went to church lol. It was nice to spend time with him since I didnt see him for a few days. Today should we ok too cause Daniel took the day off. :D
Im so glad that crazy week is over but this week is just as bad (except today). Tomorrow Daniel had a dentist appointment and I have a doctors appointment. Wednesday is big Daryls birthday, Thursday my cats are getting fixed and Friday is Daniels birthday and of course Saturday is the 4th of July. So Ill let you know how this week go but maybe Ill post more so that its not this long lol.
So last Monday my great grandma had to go to the hospital to get dye in her heart to find out why she was having discomfort. My great grandma is only 73 so shes really not that old. Well we got there at 8. They took her back about 9 and then they took her to get the thing done at 1030. By then I was already to go home lol. Around noon she was done and we went back to see what the doctor had to say. He said they werent going to do surgery cause she has already had open heart twice ande they said it would probably cause a huge heart attack and they thought that wasnt a good idea and we agreed. They said she has a few branches that are 50-70% closed which isnt great but they think they can fix it with medicine. After that they said she could leave about 5 or 6. I was at the hospital till 4 and decided to go home I was pretty tired since I really didnt sleep the night before. I laid around all day after that.
Tuesday I had to be at grams at 630 cause someone had to be there with her for the next 2 days and my grandma went to work. My mom showed up about 730 and we just sat there with her all day. Which wasnt to bad but I wished I was home lol. When Daniel got off work he picked me up. When we got home he took a nap and I cleaned, since his friend Turbo (Jake) was coming over so we could go to the midnight viewing of Transformers (thats why Daniel was napping) Usually I wouldnt care if the basement was messing hes seen it like that a million times before but he was bringing his girlfriend Andee, who we never met before, and I didnt want her to think we were slops just yet lol. Daniel slept for about an hour and half and then came and helped. We thought he was going to be here about 830 so we could play games first but he was slow. He didnt get here till about 10-1030 and we met him at Mcdonalds lol. Afterwards we came to our house and sat there for about 5 mins before we went to the movie. So we did all that cleaning for nothing really but hey it got cleaned lol. The Transformers movie was ok. It was really crude. It swore alot more then I thought it would, there was alot of sexual stuff in it. Lets just say I was impressed. I mean alot of people like the movie but I really didnt. It was nice to see Turbo though since we dont see him alot and to meet Andee she seems like a really nice girl. I cant wait till I get to know her a little bit more.
Wednesday I begged and begged Daniel to stay home or at least go to work late since he only had 3 hours of sleep. But he didnt listen. That about all that happened that day it was my lazy day lol.
Thursday I had to be to grams early again cause I was going to take her to her check up appointment since everyone else was working. Well of course the day Im there all by myself shes super sick. I have no idea what to do. I got her appointment to see her doctor cause before she was just going in to get her blood drawn. Well thankful my mom got off to come help me which I was so thankful for. When we got her to the doctors she couldnt even walk we had to get her a wheel chair. The doctor said he thinks it was her new medicine that was making her sick so he took her off of it and gave her a anti nausea shot and medicine. After that she started feeling better thank goodness. I then had to go pack stuff since I was going with my grandma and grams to Saint George for my grandmas best friends wedding. Grams wasnt going to go but she was feeling better. We left about 4 and got to Saint George about 1030.
Saint George was ok but it wasnt that great. For one I missed Daniel like crazy since he couldnt go since he had to work and another we really didnt do anything. Connies wedding was nice, short but nice. It was just weird to be around people I didnt know. Thats all we really did. Nothing that exciting. On the way home Saturday we stopped at my uncles. Which I wasnt to happy about I just wanted to go home. We finally got home about 6 on Saturday. Dont get me wrong it was nice spending time with my family but I was ready to be home. Especially since we didnt eat that much since those old women dont eat alot but I needed too. So when I got home I ate a baked potato and Daniel took me out to dinner. There I ate all my salad and spaghetti like I said I was starving lol.
Yesterday (Sunday) was great!! Me and Daniel just spend the whole day together except when we went to church lol. It was nice to spend time with him since I didnt see him for a few days. Today should we ok too cause Daniel took the day off. :D
Im so glad that crazy week is over but this week is just as bad (except today). Tomorrow Daniel had a dentist appointment and I have a doctors appointment. Wednesday is big Daryls birthday, Thursday my cats are getting fixed and Friday is Daniels birthday and of course Saturday is the 4th of July. So Ill let you know how this week go but maybe Ill post more so that its not this long lol.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
where did it come from?
The last few days I've had a horrible cold. I'm not sure where it came from. Noone else is sick. It sucks I just thought I would let you know so I could post a blog from my phone cause I thought it was cool lol
Monday, June 15, 2009
New hair!!
I got new hair!!! I didnt like just the pink so I put brown in it. So now I have Neapolitan hair cause its vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. I also got a new cut! what do you guys think

I had tons of fun this weekend! On Friday I went to Livis. We went to the mall and got chocolate and got some Mcds lol. Then it was her birthday party. Even though there wasnt alot of people it was super fun. Saturday me and Livi went to Brigham and got our hair and nails done. I even drove on the freeway! Which Im terrified to do but it wasnt that bad lol. Sunday we finally went to all of church! We usually leave half way through for one reason or another. Then we went up to Livis again cause I was sad cause Tigger was missing but when we got home he was here :D which made me feel better.
Other then that nothing really has been happening except Im starting to feel Caitlynn move alot more! She really starts to move when ever music is on which makes me laugh lol.

I had tons of fun this weekend! On Friday I went to Livis. We went to the mall and got chocolate and got some Mcds lol. Then it was her birthday party. Even though there wasnt alot of people it was super fun. Saturday me and Livi went to Brigham and got our hair and nails done. I even drove on the freeway! Which Im terrified to do but it wasnt that bad lol. Sunday we finally went to all of church! We usually leave half way through for one reason or another. Then we went up to Livis again cause I was sad cause Tigger was missing but when we got home he was here :D which made me feel better.
Other then that nothing really has been happening except Im starting to feel Caitlynn move alot more! She really starts to move when ever music is on which makes me laugh lol.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Its A Little Caitlynn!

Today I went in with an ultrasound technician. The baby is doing great! It has everything it needs. Which is pretty exciting!! We did get to see the 4d thing as you can see above. It was freaky to me. Cause you can see everything. It was just weird to think that is really in me lol. So everything is great which makes me super happy. And it let us finally see and its a GIRL! It was so great! So in 19 weeks or so little Caitlynn Suzanne will make her appearance. Which is so scary cause that doesnt seem like a long time!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Half way!
Yep today Im 20 weeks. That means Im half way done! YAY So Im pretty excited! But at the same time scared cause Ive been told I just went through the easy part and if that was easy what is this other part going to be like lol. I still havent gained any weight Im hoping the baby is still ok. Im sure it is cause Ive been eating just fine.
Other then that nothing has been going on. We went camping in Flamming Gorge Memorial Day weekend. We had lots of fun even though it rained alot and Daniel caught like 5 fish. I didnt catch anything because I was to scared to go on the boat lol. Other then that we are finally back home from Grams. So now Im trying to get the basement cleaned since we left it a disaster lol. And me and Daniel decided were not going to get a house just yet cause we cant afford it but we are going to look at apartments and stuff in Brigham because I really dont want to be living at my in law when the little one comes lol.
I hope all of you are doing good. And I will post a new blog most likely next week when I go to my target ultrasound so I can let everyone know how that goes. So until then bye lol
Other then that nothing has been going on. We went camping in Flamming Gorge Memorial Day weekend. We had lots of fun even though it rained alot and Daniel caught like 5 fish. I didnt catch anything because I was to scared to go on the boat lol. Other then that we are finally back home from Grams. So now Im trying to get the basement cleaned since we left it a disaster lol. And me and Daniel decided were not going to get a house just yet cause we cant afford it but we are going to look at apartments and stuff in Brigham because I really dont want to be living at my in law when the little one comes lol.
I hope all of you are doing good. And I will post a new blog most likely next week when I go to my target ultrasound so I can let everyone know how that goes. So until then bye lol
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