Thursday, April 23, 2009

Its A Boy Its A Girl....

I went to the doctors today. Ive lost a pound since I last went in but it sure doesnt look like it. Ive already had to start wearing maternity clothes lol. Everything went good today. The baby is big and healthy. Last time the baby wasnt shy but this time it didnt want anything to do with us lol. She was trying to see the gender but everytime she would look it would put its leg in the way or move lol. Last time she said she suspected a boy this time it went I think its a girl no a boy no a girl. She seemed like she was getting frustrated with it lol. Finally she said Im going with 90% boy but Im not 100% sure so dont buy anything yet lol. But its fine if I dont know for sure right now I mean Im only 14 weeks lol. She told me to come back in 4 weeks which was great cause this is the the first time Ive heard that the whole pregnancy so far before it was 2 weeks or 3 weeks but finally I am on track like normal lol. My next appointment is May 19th and Im sure we can see the gender then us the baby doesnt want us to again lol. Other then the doctors appointment nothing really has been going on. My life is pretty lame but that all will change in October lol. But I will let you know if anything else happens in our boring crazy life lol

Monday, April 13, 2009


My Easter weekend was pretty nice. Thursday night me, Daniel, Daryl, Colette and Kaleena colored eggs. This is one of mt favorite parts of Easter. I just think its so much fun lol.
Friday Daniel had the day off so we really didnt do anything but just goof around but I love it when I get to spend the whole day with him. :D
Saturday we went to the Smiths Easter Party. It was nice to see everyone since we havent seen them since Christmas time. Then we came home and Turbo came down. The boys threw the frisbee in the back yard for awhile then they played games while I took a nap cause I was tired lol. Turbo was suppose to stay longer but he had to go home for something. So Me and Daniel went to Olive Garden. And I ate so much salad that I couldnt eat my meal. Man I just love that salad lol. Well our food took a little long and we really didnt care but they gave us free dessert which of course Daniel was so excited for lol.
Sunday we went to church and felt the spirit there. This was one of my favorite parts of the weekend cause I love going to church. And plus Jesus is really what Easter is all about. Then after church we went to Grams for dinner. And I always enjoy spending time with my family. :D After that we decided to go to the park because Daniel has been bugging me all weekend to go fly his kite we got him lol. The wind wasnt the greatest but he flew it for awhile. Then Livi and Micheal came and we played some frisbee. It was alot of fun.
That was my exciting Easter weekend. I liked it alot. Nothing else has really been happening except Ive been going out doors alot more and playing with my kitties cause this weather is great! And some how I hurt my wrist. Daniel is making me wear a brace on it. So hopefully that will help. Next week Ill be in my 2nd trimester and Im already feeling ALOT better.
I hope all of you had a great Easter weekend and that you were able to remember this was about Christ and how he died and was resurrected for us and that He loves every single one of you :D

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Guess I Should Update Lol

I went to my doctors last Thursday (April 3rd) and everything is great! I was up two pounds which my doctor was very happy about :D. And the baby is wonderful. It is now bigger then its been showing and we got to see it move around quite a bit.Ill just say its definitely not shy lol. It gave us a perfect between the legs shot and though its to soon to know for sure my doctor said she is think its a boy. I sure looks like it lol. Im pretty sure we will see it really good on my next visit. Other then that I just enjoyed conference weekend. On Sunday we got to spend time with Daniels family and then mine and that was really nice. Well I just wanted to let you all know everything went great at the doctors and it seems like its going to stay that way :D