Tuesday, October 28, 2008


man I dont know why I'm so worried but I just dont know what to do. Ive liked the name Riley since like 7th grade and I always said no matter what my first child will be named Riley but the more and more I hear it I'm not so sure. I don't know why I'm just beggining to not like it. I was thinking about if its a boy Aiden Rd and if its a girl Catlynn Suzanne but I dont know lol. I know I still have what 6 months to figure it out but still lol. Maybe it will come to me cause right now I dont really feel like theres something growing inside of me. Sure im sick and all but I was always sick anyways before I was pregnant cause I was just weird or something was wrong with my head but still so the sick thing is nothing new and I'm not showing or anything and I cant feel it yet. I dont know I'm just in a weird stage anyways ill stop complaining now and go do something I should be doing lol

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

close up picture!

its a bigger picture i think and no its not a chicken his hand is in his face!

May 10th 2009

Thats my first ultrasound and im 10 weeks and 3 days :D Yes the Baby is laying upside down lol And Im due on May 10th! Boy is my mom excited cause her birthday is May 13th and this is her first grandkid so she way excited!!! so yeah! And my next appointment is Nov 11th at 12:30! :D

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Update On My Life!

Tommorrow Im finally going to the doctors. Im kind of nervous cause i dont know what to expect. But hopefully it will be ok. Daniel and my Mom are going with me. Everyone thinks its silly shes going but its something important to her and i dont care either way.
Well other then that i have been doing ok i have almost got over the whole morning sickness thing. I mean i still have it here and there but thats ok.
Last night though wasnt a very good night. I was really sick i couldnt stop from puking and had really bad pains in my back and stomach. But i think it was food poisoning cause i drank some water that smelled bad and was going stuff so yeah lol. About 1 last night daniel had to wake up his parents and give me a blessing. It made it better i finally got to sleep after that for about 4 hours then it was like 15 mins here or 10 mins here but thats ok about 8 i started feeling better so that good.
Other big news in our life is that we are moving back into Daniels parents house cause we want to save money to get a house when the baby comes. And plus we are pretty broke and we want to save but if we stay at our apartment we cant save. So this way we can save and gets stuff we need and want.
But thats my and daniels life so far not to exciting but i figured i would update people. Ill most likely post tomorrow and put pictures up if i get then.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Funny Story!

So i figured i would share this story cause i thought it was funny! So my mom has this friend and my mom shes "psychic". and i kind of believe in stuff like that but at the same time i dont so yeah and i guess a week before i told my mom i was pregnant this lady told my mom she was going to have a grand baby soon and my mom didnt believe her cause i not suppose to have babies right now but then a week later i called my mom and told her i was pregnant lol. So i was all man this lady is good lol well then im kind of scared cause of the pcos the doctor told me i had it says i have a 45% chance of a miscarriage and that freaked me out which freaked my mom out well my mom told her friend and she said i had nothing to worry about and i already knew that from my blessings i have received anyways she also said that she saw my baby and it was a girl and that she was perfect and beautiful and she said she had red hair which could be quiet possible with our kids. Well i told this story to daryl and colette (daniels parents) and daryl said thats werid i had a dream about Riley Lynn which means a boy! But Daryl hasnt been wrong with the gender of any of his kids or grandkids that 12 kids so im thinking its a boy now! lol But im also getting what if its twins i have been getting that alot and then this happens lol! i guess we will see what happens on the 15th and see if there is 2 heart beats if theres only one im pretty sure im having a baby boy so yeah lol that was my story i thought it was funny!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I just found out that im expecting a baby! I have no idea how far along i am or when the due date is but i have an appointment on the 15th! Im so excited! The reason im pretty sure im pregnant is cause ive been sick for awhile it sucks so bad! And then i took three pregnancy tests at different times and they all said positive! I so cant wait to go to the doctors and see whats going on! And i cant wait for my Riley to come! yep thats the babys name either way! If its a girl is going to be Riley Suzanne and if its a boy Riley Lynn :D I hope its a girl but either way is fine with me! Anyways ill keep you all informed! Talk to you later!