Thursday, April 21, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about how this isn't exactly how I wanted my life to go. This morning though dancing around the kitchen with Caitlynn I realized it IS exactly everything I could hope for. Yes we do not have a place of our own, but we have each other. I have a perfect family and could not ask for more. Ok maybe I can and that would be to add to this perfect family ;) I know one day we will be on our own and have a place we will have all to our own. Sometimes I feel like we will live here forever but I know thats not the case. You know what I need to do? I need to put more faith in the Lord and I know that. I know with his help all things are possible and I need to remember that all the time and believe in it more. Sometimes I struggle but don't we all? I know that this is how my life is suppose to be and I love all of it even if its not what my plans have been. I have a wonderful husband that loves me for me, that takes care of me and my daughter and works his butt off at work and school to support us. I have an amazing daughter that even though she drives me crazy I couldn't imagine life without her. I love when she sings or dances. When she just randomly gives me hugs and kisses because I know she loves me. I also have wonderful family members and friends I am sure you know who are. I will one day have more children to love and teach that I am sure I will love just as much as Caitlynn. I am also sure Caitlynn one day will be a great big sister. I just have an overpower feeling that life is going to turn around for us soon as long as we put faith in the Lord. I am really blessed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey love! Im glad ur seeing the upside to it all! Miss you tons :) <3 katie