Thursday, February 24, 2011

This Story Really Upset Me!

Program working to save babies born addicted to drugs -

I know people have a hard time with drugs I have seen it happen to many people I care about but it just makes me sad that children are being born into situations like this. I just do not get it. I know everyone has their rights to do whatever they want to their bodies but to harm a baby is just wrong. Also I've seen a lot of people that can not have children and I was scared I might be one of them but am thankful I am not but it makes me sad to see these women harm their babies when so many women would love to have children and cannot. I really hate the world we live in and I hate that Satan has such a strong hold on it. I know this happens all over and it makes me really upset. I just pray that the Lord will help these little babies and the mothers so they can see they are harming babies and it is not right. Drug problem or not! You can get over it I have seen it happen. Also if you have something negative to say about this post please keep it to yourself. I am tired of all the negative comments I have been getting lately because of something I believe in. Yes everyone is allowed their own opinions I just do not want to hear it.

1 comment:

Kaleena said...

I feel the exact same way and have actually been affected by this. My "brother's" baby was born addicted to methadone it was horrible and very sad. Things are better now and she is really quite healthy now they have gotten her off of it and now that her mother is no where around. It is sad though, and I think you have every right to voice your opinion about it!