Monday, October 18, 2010

1 Year!!!

I know Im a little slow. Its only what 10 days after Caitlynn's birthday lol. But these last few weeks have been crazy!!!
On Caitlynn's birthday we didnt really do much for her. Me and Daniel woke her up and gave her her last two Backyardigan stuff animals and told her happy birthday. She just looked at us like "what is your problems." Then I dropped Caitlynn off at Tonielyns and went to Draper with Colette to Kas ans Bills sealing. It was so beautiful! I was so glad that I got to go. Then I went back to Ogden and helped set up for Ka and Bills luncheon. That was a lot of fun. Came home took a nap for like 5 minutes and then went to Brigham for the ring ceremony and reception for Ka and Bill. That was also very nice. Im glad that I got to share their special day.
The next day we had Caitlynns birthday party and I think it went really well. I made a castle cake and it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Quite a few people came and she got lots of stuff. It was a nice party.
Monday I took Caitlynn to the doctors for her one year check up. She weighted 20 pounds and is 29 1/2 inches. What a big girl! She got 3 shots and wasnt to happy with that but then Mema gave her an animal cracker and she was better. They then wanted to check her iron so they poked her finger and they milked it like a cow. She just screamed and screamed it was horrible and then after she would look at her thumb and cry. SO sad!!
Other then all of that I have been taking peoples pictures and editing them. Its something new I have started and I love doing it. Im thinking about going to school Im just not sure yet. Nothing other then that is new. Daniel still works at Wal Mart and hes still looking for a better job and Im looking for a job to help us also. Please pray that something will happen cause we are having a hard time financially. But thats ok we still have each other and Caitlynn.
If you want to look at my pictures I have taken or pictures from Caitlynns birthday they are all on facebook (im sure all of you are my friends) I promise I will try to write more so that my posts are super long! :D

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