Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Slow Down Please!!!

I am in total shock and almost tears! My little monster is 11 months!! ONE month just ONE and she will be a year old. I seriously do not know where the time went. I really feel like I just had her. She causes more and more trouble everyday but I sure do love her. She is growing and shes also helping me and Daniel grow a little also. Things havent really changed since last month. She could walk if she wanted too but I guess she doesnt yet. She stands by herself but as soon as you look at her or say something she slowly just squats and sits back down. Shes a silly girl. There isnt a day that goes by that she doesnt make me laugh at something she does. I lied last time and said she had 4 teeth well actually she only has two (on the bottom) but her top gum is all swollen and white so another one will pop out any day now Im sure. She now goes to sleep for naps and at night by us just putting her in her crib. She cries for a little but its getting to be less and less. She wont take her Binky anymore but thats ok cause shes almost a year its time to get rid of it anyways. She barley will eat baby food anymore. She will only eat like half but she loves really food. We give her everything and she can eat everything super great. We even started giving her a little milk cause she would cry every time someone had some so we just decided it was time and shes doing fine with it. My love for her grows every day. She is so hard to describe she has her own little personality. If I had only one word to describe her it would be Caitlynn. She sure is an original and I wouldnt want it any other way.
Nothing new is really going on in our lifes. Im still at home and Daniel is still at Wal Mart and its going to stay that way until the Lord decides he wants something else for us.Im just planning Caitlynns birthday party which is so weird to even think about. If you want to come let me know and I will send you an invite :) Daniel is doing great in school hes on two new classes again. He now takes Psychology and Critical Thinking and if you know Daniel you know hes loving that. He found out that by October 2011 he will have his pharm tech which is so exciting cause we will have the first phase over with. Then he just has 3 or 4 years of Pharmacy school and he will be done! It seems forever away but with how fast life seem like its going now a days it might be sooner then I think. I have so many great blessings and Im so grateful for them. Ill try to write more blogs but I cant make any promises ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are enjoying being a mom! :) I can't believe she is almost a year either! Super cute kid!