Friday, April 23, 2010


So I decided to try out for Glee. I know there probably no chance I would make it but I thought why not. I get told that Im a good singer even though I dont think so but hey why not try. So check it out and give me a gold star that is if you want too.
click here

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nothing I Can Do!

Today was the big day where my mom and brother had to go to court for something they didnt even do but someone that was suppose to be Tristans best friend lied so he wouldn't get in trouble. Im telling you if I ever see that kid again me and my fist have some words for him. Anyways my mom plead guilty for this stupid thing so that my brother wouldnt go to jail and that he wouldnt have a felony on his record. My mom got 90 days on work realse. We can see her every day if we go to her work plus she has two hours before and after work, so not a very big deal. Plus she after her jail time she has 36 months of probation. It could of been a lot worse. Im still sad shes going but I still get to see her. She goes to jail tomorrow so I didnt even have to see her be taken away or anything. Well then we waited forever for my brother to go up and we all figured he would just get court probation (meaning he cant get in trouble or he would go to jail) even his defense attorney thought that. Heck thats even what the state recommended. What happens? The judge decides that he needs to get a taste of jail and sent him to jail for 10 days! Plus he has regular probation for 18 months. He has to have a job and he had to get a GED or high school diploma. So really its not that big of a deal cause maybe it will help him do something with his life. I know the judge just did that cause he wanted to scare him so maybe he would do better in the future. But watching my little brother be taken away in hand cuffs just killed me. I was ready to watch my mom be taken away but not him. I just wish I could protect him but I cant Thats what kills me the most. He is such an awesome person and hes just throwing his life away. I just want to help him but there is nothing I can do.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

6 months!

Caitlynn is half a year old!!!! Goodness gracious! I cant believe the time has gone by this fast! Before I know it shes going to be a year!!! Its so exciting and scary all at the same time!! At her doctors appointment on April 9th she was 15 pounds 8 ounces and about 26 inches! Can you believe that! Shes getting so big!!! Not alot has change since last month she still does the same things! She should have teeth soon and she should crawl soon if she wouldnt roll on her back as soon as we put her on her belly. All I know is she is one of the greatest blessings in my life and I cherish everyday that I have with her! I love her with all of my heart! I love being a mother!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are You Ready?
This is a very good and powerful video that my Uncle Shane sent me. I think that its so true. We are in the last days and the only one to save us is Jesus Christ.To tell you the truth Im terrified of the things that are going to happen and that are happening now a days. But I know that as long as I try my best to do whats right the Lord will protect me.
D&C 10:65 - For, behold, I will agather them as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, if they will not harden their hearts.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Night Terrors

For the last week or so after Caitlynn falls asleep in the middle of the night she will just start screaming like crazy and when we go check on her shes still asleep and we cant get her to wake up. When we do finally get her to wake up she looks at us and goes back to sleep and then shes good. She also will start shaking. Its quite scary. Well Daniel looked it up and its sounds like she has night terrors. The thing Daniel looked at said kids get them when they are way tired cause usually we keep Caitlynn up till like ten so she will sleep all night but I guess now we are going to have to let her sleep when she wants and deal with her waking up at like five in the morning. Has anyone ever had to deal with night terrors? If so what is some good advice? Caitlynn has a check up appointment with the Pediatrician on Friday and I will ask him also. I was just wondering if anyone had good advice.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail...

This Easter weekend was pretty great! I loved listening to Conference even though to tell you the truth I dont listen all the time but what I do hear was great. Ill go back and read them later. I just have a problem paying attention for long periods of time. But I am grateful that we do have General Conference and the things we learn. The cutest thing happened when Conference started as soon as Monson came on and started talking Daniel said "babe look." I look over and Caitlynn is just starting at Monson and is so quiet and peaceful. Thats one of the reasons I know this Church is true cause Im sure Caitlynn knows alot more then we do and she loves anything about church. Its amazing Im so grateful we have for all our leaders and all they do. And that I have the Church in my life today.

I love these men! I dont know if most people know this but when Hinckley passed away me and Daniel was talking about who we thought would be in the 1st Presidency. Well Daniel named who he thought was going to be in it and I said "Well I think Uchtdorf will be in it." Cause I dont know but I just love the way he talks and hes my favorite. He has been since I joined the Church :). Well Daniel said "yeah I doubt it cause other people have been in the Quorum of the 12 longer then him" and i just said "we'll see." Then of course he was put in the 1st Presidency. It just makes me laugh that my guess was right :)
Well our Easter was alot of fun!We dyed eggs a few days before Easter. I love dying eggs. On Easter when Caitlynn woke up I wanted to show her the stuff she got before she got hungry. She loved all her stuff. Well she wasnt sure what to think about her bubbles but she loved the rest. Then we ate breakfast and then sat around till we went to Grams. It was just a great day! I love days that I get to spend time with family. They are my favorite days :) Heres some pictures! Oh and I died and cut my hair! I love it! :)