Sunday, February 28, 2010

Formspring! Ask me any question you want and I will answer it truthfully. You dont even have to say you asked it. You know you want too!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

When I say Im a Christian!

I got this in an email and loved it!

A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.
When I say that I am a Christian I am not shouting that I am clean living.
I'm whispering I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven.
When I say I am a Christian I don't speak of this with pride.I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say I am a Christian I'm not trying to be strong.I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say I am a Christian I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say I am a Christian I'm not claiming to be perfect.My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.
When I say I am a Christian I still feel the sting of pain.I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say I am a Christian I'm not holier than thou,I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our New Plan!

So as most of you know we live in Daniels parents basement. And even though I love his parents it drives me crazy living here. Only cause I think that we should be on our own out of the 3 1/2 years that we have been married we have lived by ourselves by our self for 6 months and now we have a baby, plus Im 20 and Daniel this year will be 25. So I feel like something is wrong with us cause we still live here. Well I been trying for months now to find us a place. First it was an apartment and then it was a house and then it was an apartment again. Well as hard as I have tried we cant afford anything we are always to short the closest we have gotten is $88 short a month. Ugh it sucks. Well we have decided that we cant move out cause of our stupid car payment I wish we never had to get one but we did need a car to get around. So we decided we are going to use our taxes to pay off most of the rest of our medical bills. I was saving it for first months rent and deposit etc. Hopefully we can pay that off and we are going to pay a little more every month on our car payment and hopefully we can have it paid off in a year. If Daniel just gets a raise we could do this all on our own but until then we will just be trying to get by and hopefully getting out soon. So please pray that we will get everything figured out and that things will work out the way they are suppose too. Thanks!

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Foods!

Caitlynn loves to eat food! So far she can eat: rice cereal (even though she hates it now unless you put something in it) rice cereal with mixed fruits, sweet potatoes (her favorite), peaches and bananas (she doesnt like this one to much). Shes growing up so fast! Man what a crazy adventure!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I decided....

That Im going to write more. I mean why else do I have a blog? I just thought I would let you know that. Not much as been going on. Valentines has come and past. It was really nice me and daniel got steak and crab and shrimp and made it for dinner it was yummy. The next day was my 20th birthday. This was my present from Daniel.

I love it! I suck at it! I am getting better though. I just need to practice. Even though I dont have alot of time for that but thats ok. On my birthday we went to breakfast with some of the family and then the mall and chic-fil-a for lunch. Then that night we had a little get together at Grams. It was nice.
Thats about all thats happened but I will write soon. Im going to try to write a least once a week :) something to say goodbye with look how cute she is....

Monday, February 8, 2010

4 Months Old!

Not alot has been going on lately. Just been being a mom and Daniel has been working his butt off. We are looking for a place to live which is great! im so excited to live on our own. We are trying to find a cheap/nice house, cause we figured if we could find a cheap house our payments would be just as much as an apartment but it would be our house and we could paint and stuff :) So Caitlynn is 4 months today! Can you believe it?! shes getting so big! she goes to the doctor tomorrow so im not sure how big she is but im sure shes at least 15 pounds or more! Shes so big!
Things she can do:
She sits up great! She almost can by herself.
On her belly she can hold her head up. She cant roll over yet but she hates her belly so we dont put her on it alot. I dont think shes even going to crawl I think shes going to be a butt slider.
She loves music! she loves to dance and to be sang too. And sometimes when you sing to her she sings back
She is a chatty thing she loves to talk and talk and talk
She can laugh but only when she wants to so we dont hear it to often.
She loves to stand and is really good at it.
Shes starting the whole teething thing so shes grumpy sometimes but thats ok.
I know I say this alot but she is the most amazing baby! I love being a mom even though I have found out its super hard. You never get me time you never get sleep you arent even allowed to be sick! But thats ok cause this is one of the best things that have ever happened to me! I love my little Caitlynn Suzanne, and even if shes growing super fast and it makes me sad Im so excited to see her grow even more. Shes is great!! Words cant even describe.