Saturday, March 28, 2015

Great Things Are Coming

Man I haven't wrote on here in awhile. Life just get crazy sometimes. I have finished school so now I have an associates degree in photography. Since June of last year I have been working as an assistant at Smiles Portrait Studio, and love it because I am continuing on learning more about photography. The girls are pretty much the same. Caitlynn goes to head start and will start Kindergarten at the end of summer and Kairi will be going to head start. They are growing up to fast. Daniel will also be done with school in June of this year. The biggest thing right now in our lives are we are trying to get a house. We are getting so close and we are hoping everything works out like it has so far. We really need it. We enjoy living with Daniels parents and we are so thankful they have had us here for so long but it is time for us to have our own space and home. I will try to continue to keep up with this blog and not post everything on Facebook. We will see. :)