Sunday, April 15, 2012

2 1/2 and A Month Old!

My little girls are both growing up so fast. They are both so amazing and I love them both so much. They are my whole world and I could not ask for better children.
Caitlynn just turned 2 1/2. I am not sure where the time went. I feel like she is still a baby just like Kairi but she isn't. Shes has grown into such a wonderful little girl. She can sometimes be a pain and she does drive me crazy every single day but I love her all the same. I mean shes a 2 year old shes doing the normal thing. She loves her sister and is the best big sister I have ever seen. I can already tell they have a special bond and I am excited to see it grow. She is a very stubborn girl and no matter how much I try she will not potty train but she will get there. She also does not want to talk. I know she can but she won't for some strange reason. I wish I could do something more but I don't know what to do. I guess she will do it all when she feels like it and I just got to keep trying. Other then that shes a typical 2 year old and loves to run around like crazy. I love her with all my heart.
I cannot believe my baby is a month old! It doesn't seem like that is even possible. Time sure does go fast. Shes the best baby. She never cries until she is hungry. She is a little piggy though. She loves to eat. Every 2 hours sometimes she might go 4 if I am lucky but she eats a lot! But even when she cries it is not very loud. She is growing like a weed! I love it! She can hold her head pretty good by herself now and she is starting to grab at everything. She already likes to pull my hair. She is also starting to smile all the time and talking a lot. I love watching her grow! Shes so amazing and I love her so much! I can't believe how big my girls are getting and how fast they are growing. I love watching them grow but I wish they would slow down a little bit. Life is definitely interesting and wonderful.