Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day, 7 months and Everything In Between.

Hmm what to start with? Lets start with Caitlynn being 7 months old!!!!!!!! Its so weird to think. In 2 months she will be out as long as she was in!! So weird! She cant crawl yet but she sits all by herself and shes been putting herself on her belly more so maybe she will crawl. We will just have to wait and see. She almost has her first tooth in you can see the tooth its just not out yet. So lets just say shes been pretty grumpy the last few days. She is also getting to be super smart. She can now wave hi and bye. She can say mama but only when shes crying so I dont know if that counts. Its been a wonderful 7 months to see her grow. I love her more and more each day and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for such a great blessing in my life.

Now before I start talking about Mothers Day I will talk about something that isnt so great thats happened in our lives. On Friday Daniel got fired. So he no longer works for Nucor. Its just stupid why he did but we have been waiting for it for weeks cause we knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Another reason Im grateful we live with the in laws. So please pray that Daniel will find another job soon and if you know of anything place that pays good please let us know :)
Ok now to Mothers Day. This was my first one! Ok kind of my first one. Last year Daniel got me presents cause I was pregnant and he said you are a mother its in your belly and you are taking care of it. I think it was just an excuse so he could buy me things with out me feeling guiltily. Anyways this year was pretty good. I got two wonderful books. They were called "The Remarkable Soul Of A Woman" By Dieter F Uchtdorf and "Mothering With Spiritual Power" by Debra Sansing Woods. Both amazing books!!! I would highly recommend both of them.

I also got a beautiful necklace that are two hearts and says "pure in heart". And my mommy got me roses and a wonderful card. It was so cute when Daniel gave me my presents cause he had Caitlynn give them to me one by one. The things we did that day was have breakfast with Daniels family, went to church, and had dinner with my family. To be honest for some reason yesterday I was way emotional. I would cry almost about anything and then I was grumpy as heck the next moment. But even with all the emotions it was still a great day. I love being a mommy. It is the greatest thing I have ever done.
Other then those things not alot has been going on. Just trying to keep the basement clean and I think Im doing a great job at it. Tonight Im going to go see Paramore in concert. LOVE that band. Ill let you know how that goes. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

I WON!!!

Yay I won 2 free meals to Chick-Fil-A and 2 passes to some art expo thing this weekend!! I just wanted to share that cause I never win anything so Im super excited! Plus free Chick-Fil-A! Yum!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Caitlynn Was Dying To Say Hi!

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Thats her story and shes sticking to it!!!

Kids Are Silly!!

Caitlynn has tons of toys! I mean tons! And what does she like to play with the most? The tags on the toys and her daddy's watch. Oh and anything electronic! Shes so silly! Shes getting so big! Almost 7 months! Everyone that asks how old she is says "Shes tiny!" But I dont think so! Anyways I just felt like writing a blog and not much is going on!! Better get back to cleaning! (story of my life)