Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Its Been Awhile

Sorry I havent wrote in awhile. It isnt that my life has been busy or anything just the complete opposite so I didnt really have anything to write about lol. Some things have happened though.
Right now me and daniel are staying at my great grandmas house with our cats until the 31st cause she went to Kentucky. We have been here since the 6th. Its been ok. I love having my own space for awhile and its nice to have tv even though she has like over 600 channels and there still isnt anything on lol. The cats seem to like it here too. But they are trouble makers. They love getting in everything and the first night we stayed Dexter cried all night I think he was just scared.
Other then that I dyed my hair back to blonde so I dont have to deal with roots and I put pink in it so it pretty crazy lol.
Today I went to the doctors. I have lots 2 pounds since my last appointment. We think its cause I got sick yesterday and couldnt hold anything down. But it sure doesnt look like Im lost any weight it looks like Ive gained cause Im getting a pretty big pregnant belly now lol. Well my doctor wasnt happy that I lost weight and the baby is a little smaller then it should be but only by a few days so its nothing to worry about she says. But she wants me to eat more protein. So of course on the way home Daniel gave me a lecture the whole way about how we need to change the way I eat. I know that he just wants the best but its kind of annoying lol. Well we were hoping this week we would be able to tell what the baby was for sure but of course we couldnt cause the baby had its legs crossed tight. I guess it just doesnt want us to know. Well I go back in 3 weeks to a targeted ultrasound with a ultrasound technician and a better machine and hopefully they will see the gender then and I guess they are going to do the 3d picture things. Im not so sure how I feel about that cause they kind of freak me out but my mom is sure excited about it.
Well that about all that been going on in my life for the last month. Its pretty boring but I know when October comes it wont being boring anymore lol.