Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My bestest friends!

Jessi! She has been there for me all the time! We have been friends for about 5 years now! We helped each other through alot of hard times! And even if we dont talk all that much anymore she will always be one of my best friends!
Of Course my #1 best friend is Daniel! He is there for me when it seems like no one else is! He understands me more then anyone else and im so glad im going to be with him for eternity!
Olivia!! Me and her have had many good times! Of course there had been times we dont get along but thats only cause we act like sisters! She knows what its like to be married at a young age since our anniversaries are only 2 weeks apart! And its great to have someone to talk to about stuff! She is just the greatest!
Ali! She has always been there for me! We have lots of good times together! I just appreciate everything she does for me and i swear shes super woman or something cause it seems like she can do everything!
Britt! Were just goof balls when we are together! We love hanging out and going to Dennys lol thats like our favorite hang out spot i swear! I just love this girl to death shes great!
Hollie May! No matter what happens between us we will always be best friends! We have some amazing memories together! And I hope one day we will be able to make more!
Some of the amazing people in my life! They arent in any order they are all truely amazing! And they have changed my life for the better!

My Wonderful Family!

Me and my honey bunny!!!!
my babies! Tigger and Dexter!!!
Thats my wonderful little family!!! Its not to big but i think its the best family ever!!!! I dont know what i would do with out Daniel or my cats! They are my life! And hopefully one day we will add to this wonderful family!!!